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  • This update focuses on key human rights developments in Ukraine, including in territory occupied by the Russian Federation. It covers the period from 1 February to 30 April 2023.
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  • This briefing paper addresses the human rights situation of older persons in the context of the ongoing armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Its findings, based on the work of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), cover the period from 24 February 2022 to 28 February 2023.
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  • This update focuses on key human rights developments in Ukraine from 1 August to 31 October 2022 and is based on the work of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU). As the ongoing armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine shows no signs of abating, the human rights situation across the country remains dire. This reporting period was marked by multiple human rights violations affecting both civilians and combatants, including arbitrary deprivation of life, arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, torture and ill-treatment, and conflict- related sexual violence (CRSV). It was also characterised by widespread attacks against critical infrastructure which caused the humanitarian situation to further deteriorate.
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  • The briefing note focuses on two major concerns affecting the rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities – institutionalisation and denial of legal capacity – and analyses the impact of these and other concerns on the range of human rights provided in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other universal international human rights instruments applicable in Ukraine.
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  • On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched an armed attack on Ukraine, which led to a grave deterioration in the human rights situation across the country. The conduct of hostilities by the Russian armed forces has been characterized by the broad use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, missile, and air strikes.
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