Our work

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (the Mission) was deployed in 2014 at the invitation of the Government of Ukraine and in the wake of the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Crimea and other parts of Ukraine. The Mission implements the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to protect and promote human rights for all.

Since the commencement of the armed attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the Mission has focused its monitoring on the human rights impact of the international armed conflict.

Every day, our Human Rights Officers reach out to victims and witnesses of international human rights and international humanitarian law violations throughout Ukraine. Human Rights Officers also monitor remotely the human rights situation, notably in the territory of Ukraine occupied by the Russian Federation, where they have no physical access.

The Mission monitors, publicly reports and advocates on the human rights situation in the country. The Mission’s reports and findings are an important source of information and are relied on by Governments, organizations, the public and media. They have also been used in cases and decisions by regional and international tribunals. The Mission’s reports aim to prevent further violations and help bring accountability for perpetrators and justice for victims of human rights violations.  

The Mission works within the framework of OHCHR’s mandate and methodology. In accordance with that methodology, its findings on whether human rights violations have occurred are based on the “reasonable grounds to believe” standard of proof applied by OHCHR, namely where, based on a body of verified information, an ordinarily prudent observer would have reasonable grounds to believe that the facts took place as described, and where legal conclusions are drawn, that these facts meet all the elements of a violation.

The Mission has integrated a gender perspective into its monitoring, reporting, and advocacy work. In 2021, the Mission successfully completed a year-long UN Human Rights’ Gender Accreditation Programme aimed to enhance gender mainstreaming in all internal and external activities of the Mission.

For more details, please see the Mission’s reports and statements.