•At least 146 civilians were killed and 672 injured in Ukraine in June. While lower than May, the overall casualty number is the second highest in 2024. The number of casualties among children in June is the highest in 2024 (with 8 children killed and 57 injured).
•72 per cent of civilian casualties in June occurred as a result of artillery shelling, multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) and aerial bombardments, while 26 per cent were caused by missile and loitering munitions strikes. The majority of civilian casualties occurred in Donetsk (34 per cent) and Kharkiv (22 per cent) regions.
• The vast majority of civilian casualties (89 per cent) and damage to educational and health facilities (82 per cent) continued to occur in Government-controlled territory.
• Several incidents resulting in high numbers of civilian casualties also occurred in occupied territory in June, including in occupied Sadove (Kherson region), Luhansk and Sevastopol. Although HRMMU has verified some of the civilians killed or injured in these attacks, many individual cases remain pending verification.
• HRMMU documented 33 attacks on energy infrastructure (23 attacks in Government-controlled territory and 10 in territory occupied by the Russian Federation), destroying or damaging power generation plants and electricity substations and temporarily disrupting access to electricity and water supply. Rolling power cuts continue in Kyiv City and elsewhere in Ukraine as energy conservation measures following the succession of attacks since 22 March 2024. HRMMU also documented two attacks on railway infrastructure in Government-controlled territory in June.